
Are you still not materializing the life you want after your ayahuasca experience?

🌿✨ Invitation to Ayahuasca Integration Course ✨🌿

Are you still not materializing the life you want after your ayahuasca experience?

The ceremony is a profound start, but the real journey begins with integration. Join us for our Ayahuasca Integration Course, where we’ll help you ground your experiences, turning insights into lasting change and vibrant, meaningful living.

Are you ready to bring the wisdom of ayahuasca into your daily life? Whether you’re new to ayahuasca or seeking to deepen the integration of a past experience, this course is designed to support you in making the transformation lasting and impactful.

🌿 What to Expect 🌿

  • Weekly Sessions: Group discussions, reflection exercises, and personal guidance tailored to your journey.
  • Embodiment Practices: Meditation, breathwork, and movement to help ground your insights.
  • Mindful Living Tools: Learn how to incorporate the teachings of ayahuasca into your relationships, work, and personal growth.
  • Safe & Supportive Community: Connect with others who are on the same path, sharing experiences and insights in a nurturing space.
  • Ongoing Support: Resources and practices to continue your integration well after the course ends.

🌟 Course Details 🌟

  • Start Date: [Insert Date]
  • Duration: 12 weeks (1-1 session for 12x)
  • Investment: Php 24000
  • Registration: [Insert Link or Contact Info]

🌿 Why Integration? 🌿
The deep healing and revelations you experience in ayahuasca ceremonies are profound, but without proper integration, those insights can remain unrealized. Integration is how we honor the medicine by applying its lessons to our everyday lives—transforming revelations into action and creating the life we envision.

If you’re ready to bridge the gap between experience and manifestation, and to let the medicine’s teachings truly flourish in your life, I’d love to have you with us.

With gratitude and love,

🌱 Limited spots available – Secure yours today! 🌱

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