Ascension Guide Whispers – An Intention for a Better Planet
We are the love in the world. Keep focusing in the heart space. We are cocreating a world where ONLY LOVE exists. This is billion years in the making. Rejoice as we are part of this awakening and evolution. Everything is energy, and anything that DOES NOT bring joy is from the PROGRAM. Only Love and Unknown is here. Focus on LOVE, and breathe on JOY. Any thoughts that are not of that nature is an ILLUSION.
Mantra: I choose and consciously choose LOVE in Action
- I support life and refrain from opposing or harming anyone. I allow others to have their own experiences.
- I follow my own compass and discard all beliefs that are no longer serving me, I go to the Source. . The truth is Love is all that exists.
- I let go so there is room for something better to come in. I intend that I am guided, guarded, protected and lined up with the highest good at all times. I trust to remain open to receive and allow the highest outcome to arrive. I surrender each moment and to unexpected sources. I simplify.
- Love and action, stay positive. I see good, say good and do good. I accept the gifts from all my experiences. I am living in grace and gratitude. I stay positive.
- Synchronize intending and surrendering. I take action by following the opportunities that are presented to me. I’m in the flow where great mystery and miracles abide, fulfilling my mission and being what I came here to be love everywhere, present. I synchronize.
- Serve others. I am love in action. I always have enough to share. I am available to help those who need it. I serve others.
- Shine your light. I am a magnificent being. Awakening to my highest potential, I express myself with joy, smiling easily and laughing often. I shine my light in the night, love and action, co create. I assist in the CO creating a manifestation of heaven on earth equal heart by envisioning this and through being consciousness in action and telling others about it.
- I see humanity as one. I enjoy gathering with light hearted people regularly. When we come together, we set the stage a great one that’s to reveal itself. We synergies all content is from Mother of all creation.
Thank you for sharing with others. Thank you for keeping your hearts open. Thank you for staying present and thank you for choosing love. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and we are being the change we wish to see.
Love in action. And love in action is the highest possibility of thought in the manifest that’s the only thought that exists. Love. Feelings are real lower thoughts on and the only, the only thought that’s real is love expressed and felt inwardly. Felt expressed outwardly.
We are co creating heaven on earth, together, a world where any love exists. Love has won, and together we are victorious. 🙏