
Biodiverse Community Key to Freedom

In my walk, ever since I was a child, somehow I felt that this reality is just one of those dimensions. My dreams are so vivid, and every waking day feels like a video game.

Fast forward, there is this presence that keeps on showing up sharing what has to be done and that humanity is evolving to higher states of consciousness. One thing I’ve decoded is that the key to freedom is wholeness frequency cocreating with players who are in the same vibration. It is is the key to a sufficient living. If you become self-sufficient without the community, if you get sick, the system is done. In my walk, someone told me to create the mission on my own, I didn’t feel good about it. It felt heavier and harder. I feel this is what founders, and ceo’s feel on the top. When you are just alone on the top and everyone is just following you.

Another person says, it is hard when many are decision makers, because each and everyone has different wounds to heal etc.  It took me my own healing and layers of shedding to magnet the people who are also whole. Who also dream the same dream to reality.

I’ve decoded a wholeness community consciousness, where in, all are leaders in their own rights and expertise, collaborating together and it feels lighter to live. Each and every player feels empowered because each feels it is their ideas and all have expertise to contribute to the whole.

This entails majoy INNERWORK to create this kind of fractal. And it’s very worth it, why? Because it is sustainable, it can move and work if you have a community empowered to execute rather than by yourself. We are cells of Christ consciousness, another paradigm or being is being born through the collective awakening of the masses who are called to create this kind of reality.

Wherein each and every person remembers we are one, we are that consciousness who chose to fractalize and experience itself in harmony amidst diversity. And each and every player, is ignited to co create because the energy behind of all is passion.

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