• Insights

    Get out of the Loop

    Have you ever had repeating experiences that are not serving your highest good or causing you so much troubles and problems? Like, ending up in a relationship where your partner would abuse, manipulate and hurt you? Or being in a job where you don’t find joy? When I first learned that the external experiences are mirror of what’s inside of us, what’s our inner programmings, that nothing in your experience is an accident, it was a pure shock and aha moment to me. All I wanted is to be loved and to belong, to be accepted for who I am… and so why did I attract and choose relationships which…

  • Insights

    Going back to Home… Pure Love

    Once you experience that unconditional love of God, that’s the time you feel so complete that you belong to yourself and aligned to the source. Your worth is not reliant on other people or any externals. You have no shame in the heart, no judgement even. All as it is. In that space, all experience is a way for growth and expansion. Even those experience that humans label as dark, or bad, are all teachers of the soul. And so it takes you to a space of gratitude to all experiences, whether labelled as good or bad. It takes you to a space of gratitude to the souls who volunteered…