
Ascension Starguides Whispers:

I was about to sleep, and then I woke up in the middle of the night. The message is clear as the peaceful waters….

Ancestors are calling you to come home. And the door to this path is through your heart.

Are you ready to feel the fullness of who you are? Open your heart more and more. Shed all the layers of the walls of your heart. It is safe now. Don’t worry, all is well. Trust and surrender, for everything is just a projection of what’s inside your innerhouse.

And your house has to be in order to operate in higher informational light grid.

You are A universal being in a divine form.

Yes my child of light, you came here to enjoy and play. Interacting with everything temporarily forgetting you are separate. And now recognizing all are reflections of the rhythm you choose to play within.

But in the core you know, you are one with everything… Each and every atom completes the whole. Nothing in this existence is not of existence.

The darkness is not bad, it is just an absence of light. And in that dance, you get to know who you are more. Celebrating the balance inside and outside.

Yes my divine child, the pure light is within you. Allow the dance of the cosmos to play with you right here in the now. It is only in the now that you can access this as there is really no past and future… It all is navigated in the now.

The awakening of the collective is riping more and more. Thanks for showing up and assisting the humanity to this evolutionary process of raising the consciousness to divine love. Allow the ripples of your grace to flow through the valleys and mountains of earth.

Each and every weave of stories of humanity in a higher timeline is erasing the densities of lower consciousness. Be in gratitude and Make each and every story be a vibrational match to harmonic frequencies… That even death becomes a perspective of peaceful transitioning to people’s original state which is in spirit form.

That everything you do is celebrated knowing you came from spirit to form, and it took a lot of energy to create your vessel to experience this maia… A reality that is only a blip of experiencing life in third density. Experiencing each other through senses that only this dimension understands.

Everything is perfect. And the most powerful force is love. Be love, and welcome home. πŸ’—βœ¨πŸ’—

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