Energy In Motion
Energy in motion manifested in nature.
Unconditional Love
Unconditional love painting.. this powerful energy which is limitless and knows no conditions. Just like the sun… it just radiates as it is… and shines its beingness. It is complete and belonging to itself… It warms the soul by just being the purest essence of itself. #lovefrequency #purelove #journeytohome
The World Beneath
There is a world beneath this world. The fabric of our reality is much more peculiar than we thought. This fabric responds to our thinking. It engages in our consciousness and it exists all around us. So where do we begin for change to happen? We begin where we are at by removing the obstacles in our thoughts.
Heaven On Earth
First ever painting in canvass. I see this in one of my journeys, a world of purples, and touch of pink and reds. So mystical and abundant. Lush nature and fragrant aromas of flowers all over.
Loving Detachment
When someone you love is struggling with an addiction or dangerous habit, it’s crucial that you do not enable them.
Self Compassion
Compassion and love for others can only be possible, if you already embody the understanding of how worthy you are as a human being. Imago Dei is Latin for “image of God,” When you understand and realize that we are formed in the image and likeness of God, then you will understand how much worthy and valuable you are. Again the saying goes, you can’t give what you don’t have is related to love and compassion as well.People who care so much for others at the expense of themself, are susceptible to abuse and victimhood. This is not how God wants us to become. Love God above all else, and…
Time To Wake Up
How much chaos do we need to wake up? This is the time go within. This pandemic is a chance for all of us, to look within and honestly reflect on our decisions in life. Humanity has destroyed mother nature and its own kind (the mind has been psychotic attacking its own specie for eons) with its choices in the past, and now is the time to rethink and reconsider all our actions moving forward.
What is Shadow Work?
The more you know thyself, the more peaceful and profound life is. When you illuminate to darkness…. The darkness disappear.
Honor Respect and Gratitude
Give honor, respect and thanks to all beings and experiences. We are all made out of pure love. Because our God, the creator His nature is unconditional love.
Acceptance is the key to be free from suffering. Yes, this is the first step. Sometimes, life will put us in circumstances that will cause so much pain.