Are you ready to heal?
For as long as you are not ready to receive healing. No amount of convincing of external factors can ever heal you. Like a victim minded person, will always experience to be a victim, if she thinks and feel that she is a victim. The same goes for addicts and abusers.
The only way to have the life we want to have, is to heal the wounds of our hearts and feel the frequency of HOME. The space where one feels you belong to yourself and you are whole because of the LOVE inside you. This universal love, unconditional love has no conditions. The first thing to change your reality is to accept and own it… that you are responsible for the experience you are experiencing right here right now. Admit you need help and you want to heal. And ask yourself, how to feel that home? Ask God to heal the wounds of your heart with Love. Everything starts within. This is the time of the great reset. Embody this love, that unique expression of love and really radiate that within you…Love even the shadow part of yourself without judgement. There is a place for everyone here in this time space. There is a place for every being here in this earth.