Veggie Sticks in Satay Sauce
Dip any fresh veggies in Satay sauce and it becomes magically delicious and nutritious. This dish is rich in healthy fats from coconut milk and peanut sauce.
Perspective in Life
The world is different from what we have been told. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we take in, the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel… the sum total of how we live our life, affects whether a gene gets turned on or off.. Now this means that our health is not necessarily dictated by the genes.
Veggie Omelet and Fresh Salsa
I have left over sautĂ©ed veggies for dinner. So I decided to revamp it for breakfast and make it into an omelet instead. Then add tomato salsa as toppings or side dish option for pandesal bread. This is so healthy as I didn’t use any preservatives or chemical additives. All ingredients are all-natural from mother gaia 🙂
Scrambled Tofu in Turmeric and Curry
A simple and yet very powerful breakfast for those on the go. Tofu as source of protein and turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.
Flowers Bloom with Love
Love is all there is. Flowers bloom with love.. and there are seasons for everything. Enjoy every moment…
Rewriting the Story Within
Everything in life is a vibrational representation of what’s within us. First, is the story we keep telling to ourself and other people… and how we give meaning to an experience, is a vibrational representation of the archetypal
Tofu and Veggies in Coconut Milk and Herbs
This is a fast and healthy dish you can do for lunch or dinner. This is rich in healthy fats and greens that’s good for the heart. This dish is so rich in vitamins A, B6, and C, folate, magnesium, fiber, riboflavin, phosphorus, and potassium. 🙂
Healthy Tofu, Greens in Herbs
Everything you see here is freshly harvested from a farm here in Philippines. It’s quick, easy, and very affordable too!
After a time of silence and meditation, a profound realization came to me. A still small voice suddenly spoke to me and said… “Who are you to judge the form infront of you? Who are you to judge how this person evolves? The invitation is to instead go within and ask yourself… If this form triggered you in the past, which part of you inside wasn’t healed. This form infront of you is just a messenger of the programming that causes blockages and resistance. And it doesn’t mean, that this form that you once have known to cause triggers, cannot evolve. It’s still going within you… To sit on it,…
Are you ready to heal?
For as long as you are not ready to receive healing. No amount of convincing of external factors can ever heal you. Like a victim minded person, will always experience to be a victim, if she thinks and feel that she is a victim. The same goes for addicts and abusers.