
  • The Open-Heart

    The heart that is open is very powerful. This is something that was hidden to us for eons. We didn’t know that when our hearts are open, we can move mountains and create miracles in love. The heart that is open feels everything and everyone. That is why when a person’s heart is open, it cannot hurt itself or others, because it can feel everything. It understands pain of others as well. Those who can hurt others, their hearts have sutures, that’s why they can be capable to harm without feeling the pain. Forgiving them for they don’t know what they are doing. The creative force that creates all universes…

  • Codes of Humanity

    We are like computers, the shell is the body. And the reality we play is based upon the codes or programs conditioned in our system that were passed on from generation to generation. The spirit is like the electricity that makes this possible for this life force to come to play. And the consciousness is the observing itself through us. When the consciousness realized that it can speak to itself through the dialogues of different human beings interacting with one another, it gets to know itself more and more. We are a mass of conditions playing a game in this earth, and we get so stuck with the roles we…

  • Self Mastery is about…

    The journey of each energy is distinct to each person. There is no one path. Everything is divinely orchestrated. That’s why self-mastery means to know thyself fully. This era is not already about a master or a guru holding the space. It is about taking responsibility and being aware that we are all able and responsible for our own growth and expansion. And the only way to do that is to work within. One path may not work for another, and vice versa. It’s about trusting the Self. And acknowledging that each and every person in your life is a mirror of what’s within. So with that idea, there is…

  • The Call to Total Transformation

    Yesterday someone visited me asking for help… they don’t know what happened to me… and it hit me… They witnessed their parents how the father beat up their mother. And twenty eight years until now they still have trauma about these circumstances. They still feel deep wound, I had to take a moment to realize…really the impact of abuse and violence to the children who are witnessing it. Even if it was years ago, the trauma, is still there. My yearning to really heal the wounds of the heart and become whole is more stronger and desire for peace in homes. We did a ritual to cleanse and heal, and…

  • Finding Your Purpose

    Who am I today? What can I do today so my life can be authentic? Embracing your purpose in everything you do. Step by step curation of this moment. Breathing in the truest essence of yourself and find that alignment with your purpose. Awakening to that inner knowing. What is your WHY in the NOW? Your purpose is already within you. Just sit still, and ask yourself these questions and take a moment to what the answers will be. Purpose is finding meaning and connection to your sacred WHY to whatever you are doing. May it be just changing the diapers of your child, or just mundane act of eating…

  • Power of Love Vs. Love for Power

    Today, as I meditated and prayed, so much emotions and crying this morning. Felt this ultimate peace and profound love for humanity amidst the chaos. The consciousness of oneness came to me. We have been self sabotaging as collective our species thinking that if we gather power in one human form is the way that’s why competition has been so massively digested in the psyche. Unaware that when we uplift and empower one another is the key to oneness and good health so the species be in harmony within and cocreating outside a harmonious and abundant reality as well. Some of those people who tapped into power and magic… Got…

  • Collective Call to Heal and become Authentic

    The shame and guilt are the ones that cause so much destruction. That’s why it is called mortal sin… sin means missing the mark.. or shame says “I AM wrong” ” I AM bad” so shame causes the person to subconsciously more hide and not face it. Admission is first part of healing. Admission is saying yes, i did this… and then because the fear of being judged afterwards. So much shaming culture that’s why we cannot heal as a whole. Narcissism is not good or bad, it becomes harmful when one feels full of himself but there is also absence of profound love. the unconditional love, is the wisdom…

  • Our True Essence. Wake up Child

    We are the love and this energy field that cocreates with us… is avaialble to all of us. This energy creates so much beauty, diverse and magnificent creations. We all had amnesia. And have been conditioned with so much fear. It is time to wake up to our true essence. We are light beings. The other field is yes needed to have this experience in this dimension, but it is for our advantage. It is for us to see and remember our light, our true manifestations are all about harmony, growth, expansion, peace, love and abundance. The lies are about lack and fear. There is nothing to fear, only absence…

  • Get out of the Loop

    Have you ever had repeating experiences that are not serving your highest good or causing you so much troubles and problems? Like, ending up in a relationship where your partner would abuse, manipulate and hurt you? Or being in a job where you don’t find joy? When I first learned that the external experiences are mirror of what’s inside of us, what’s our inner programmings, that nothing in your experience is an accident, it was a pure shock and aha moment to me. All I wanted is to be loved and to belong, to be accepted for who I am… and so why did I attract and choose relationships which…

  • The Authentic Self

    What does it mean to live in the most authentic self? It means the radical awakening to finally arrive at a space where in one has finally faced every shadow, and take the courage to shred subconscious layers that are keeping you away from your true nature or pristine alignment. The women especially, have been too long been conditioned to be subservient, to be inferior and to be submissive to the people in authority over her. And in the process of wanting to be accepted and to belong, she forgets her true self. And we pass this on from generation to generation… the culture of shame, guilt, oppression, subjugation, derogation,…